Thursday, 3 January 2013

top tips and exercise suggestions to avoid desk bound injuries.

Robin Lansman, London-based member of the British Osteopathic Association, comments "Over the last 10 years in practice I have noticed more and more office workers suffering back problems, which can often be attributed to poor seating posture and a lack of regular movement in the workplace"
He adds "To avoid a build up of occupational injuries and posture-related problems individuals need to be able to cope with the demands work places on the body within the office environment. Frequent short breaks away from the desk and computer will re-stimulate brain and body, keeping you healthy and fitter for work. Employers who invest in appropriate ergonomic office furniture can go a long way towards safeguarding their employees' health and well-being. In order to fully reap the benefits, employees should remain 'posture aware' and understand how their chairs operate."   

"HR managers often highlight their office culture of long hours and skipping lunch breaks as a key factor when they approach us about buying HAG chairs. Our philosophy is that when employees are given the right tools to work with, physically and mentally, they will be happier, less stressed and do a faster, better job. Bad back or posture decrease productivity and can be avoided if a few simple rules are adhered to such as taking movement breaks during the day, ensuring you have the right supportive seating and even doing a few regular stretching and breathing exercises at your desk to keep your body supple and your mind calm."  

Further research has been uncovered in the Desk-bound survey which uncovered the following:

  • 60% of workers work more than their contracted hours in the U.K
  • 25% of workers feel guilty about taking a lunch break (50% cite recent heavier workloads as the reason, 25% cite unwritten rules in the office)
  • 14.5% suffer from seating problems (muscular/back)
  • 18% suffer from bad circulation
  • 36% suffer from poor posture
  • 57% suffer from backache
  • Only 36% of employers provide ‘comfortable’ chairs for their employees
  • 70% of office staff would like more say in their office furniture
  • 57% would be more interested in joining an office if they had a say in choosing their office furniture 

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